It could be considered that bringing meditation into the company would not be useful, would take up time and would not have direct benefits on work and relationships in the company. However, I can reiterate that the direct and indirect effects on productivity and...
Meditation & Co.
Rush is the inability to stay in the present
It would be good not to always be in a hurry! Our physiology is fundamentally the same as other mammals, and our health behaviors should also align with them in some key ways. Your cat for example, for the most part, is just hanging out, not engaged in anything...
Silence brings us closer to the heart
Love and awareness that we in our daily world finds its source within us. Resting our attention on the heart is a new life, a new perspective, full of new trust and joy. A silent retreat is a time of personal introspection and great growth; it is the opportunity to...
Retreat into silence, the slow living.
A retreat is a moment of reflection dedicated to you, your well-being and your personal development. It's an opportunity to let go of everyday life and come into deep contact with your inner voice and your breath. The rhythm of the day is shaped around a regenerating...
Metamorphic Technique: the life force
When we get sick and go to a doctor or therapist, we expect to get immediate results and tangible changes, in short we hope to find someone who eases our tensions and soothes our emotions. In short, we want external help that gives us results instantly.Over time we...
La Tecnica Metamorfica: é la vita che agisce.
Quando ci ammaliamo e andiamo da un medico o da un terapeuta, ci aspettiamo di ottenere die risultati immediati e dei cambiamenti tangibili, speriamo insomma di trovare qualcuno che allenti le nostre tensioni e lenisca le nostre emozioni. Vogliamo insomma un aiuto...
Sat Nam Rasayan: the art of healing
SAT NAM RASAYAN: the natural healing technique for these times, a cure that leads to a deep meditative process and develops the human ability to contain experience.Sat Nam Rasayan is an adequate therapy for the process of change, it stimulates the meditative...
Yoga Instructor vs Yoga Therapist
What is the difference between the training required for yoga therapists versus yoga instructors?There are key differences between Yoga Therapy (Yoga Therapist) and Yoga Teacher (Instructor) training programs that are good to know. Yoga teachers are trained to guide...
The benefit of Meditation in Yoga Therapy
The benefits of meditation and the increased self-awareness that goes with it, are wide-ranging and well-documented and include: Supporting stress reduction and activation of the parasympathetic, or rest-and-digest, system Promoting self-regulation of emotions,...